Here is one easy way to help market and grow your business.
Have you ever tried Google My Business? If you are not on Google My Business, take about 15-20 minutes this week to make an account and add all your information about your therapy business.
How to get referrals from Google My Business
The next step is to at least once a week, create a post about your business. It’s super easy and can be done on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop. It’s actually quite fun too as you can be creative and it’s geared toward something that is dear to your heart: your business!
Make sure to add a picture or some kind of image to attract attention to your post. The post also has the feature to do a call to action button by adding a link to your website or adding the number to call your business.
If you are holding an event in-person or online, you can create a post around it. If you have something to offer, you can add that too. It’s free advertising.
I heard about this feature by another clinician this past summer. I’ve been using it the last four weeks and I have been averaging one to two new client referrals each week who are a perfect fit for my niche. How great is that!
Remember that marketing doesn’t have to cost money or take a lot of time. Try to have fun with it! Don’t think of it as another thing to check off your to-do list each week. Think of it as a way to reach your potential clients. Your clients are out there and waiting for you. They just need a way to find you! Build a bridge for them to find you by using Google My Business.
Lisa Lewis has three certificates in energy healing and Level 2 Reiki certified. Lisa has gained extensive training in the mind-body connection. She also has the traditional training of a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and together she offers clients a holistic approach during sessions. Dedicated to her private practice and work in her community, Lisa sees patients in her Pasadena, California office, as well as virtually in online therapy or phone therapy. She has a keen interest in helping those who struggle with issues related to being a highly sensitive person, as well as parents and individuals navigating through depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, or highly sensitive persons. With over 20 years of education, training, and life experience, Lisa is well-equipped to help others in their healing and personal growth. Get in touch with Lisa at or call her for an initial consult at 626-319-5076.
This post is to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, business, or tax advice. Each person should consult their own attorney, business advisor, or tax advisor with respect to matters referenced in this post.
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