2024 was a great first year for Heard Business School.
We released 24 episodes which were downloaded more than 7,500 times, placing it in the top 5% of podcasts globally according to Listen Notes.
Our guests covered topics from income beyond 1:1 therapy sessions to scaling from a solo to group practice to how to define your niche.
Here are the top five takeaways from Heard Business School in 2024.
Niching down has unexpected benefits
As Dr. Alex Auerbach explained in Income Beyond 1:1 Therapy Sessions with Dr. Alex Auerbach, an unexpected benefit of niching down is attracting clients who identify with your niche, even if they’re not part of that specific audience.
For example, if you work with startup founders, then you may appeal to potential clients who want to be startup founders. Or maybe they like how founders think, so they want to work with a therapist who works with founders. They reason by analogy.
Don’t underestimate the importance of authenticity
As Dr. Marie Fang explained in Leveraging YouTube to Build Your Therapy Business with Dr. Marie Fang, don’t underestimate the importance of authenticity when you’re building your private practice.
Focus on leading with your values, who you are, and what’s important to you, even down to how you dress and speak. Uncover your personal secret sauce and lean into that instead of trying to be someone else.
You’re not going to be a perfect therapist and that’s okay
As Tracy Vadakumchery explained in Why Therapy is Political with Tracy Vadakumchery, you’re not going to be a perfect therapist and that’s okay.
Not only are your clients responding to their circumstances, but you’re responding to their circumstances, too. And you’re responding to your own. Give yourself grace.
Just get going
As Lauren Larkin explained in Building Your Therapy Business In Between Sessions with Lauren Larkin, things are never going to be perfect, so just get going and start.
Whether that means putting yourself out there more on social media or starting a private practice, don’t get bogged down by the details. You can always iterate later.
Network with therapists who are ahead of you
As Kelly McKenna explained in How to Build a 6-Figure Therapy Practice Using Instagram with Kelly McKenna, a common mistake therapists make when networking is only networking with other therapists who are in a similar stage of business as them.
This makes sense logically because they can relate to each other’s shared experiences. And while it can be helpful, it’s also important to network with therapists who are further along than you.
Think about where you want to be professionally in 5-7 years. Are there therapists you know of who are already in that position? If so, those are great therapists to network with.
Did you find these takeaways helpful? Check out more episodes of Heard Business School.
This post is to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, business, or tax advice. Each person should consult their own attorney, business advisor, or tax advisor with respect to matters referenced in this post.
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